Djäkne Brand Guidelines


Brand story

What makes us happy

Too many people realize too late what makes them happy – we knew it from the start. And we have fought for it ever since. Of course we didn’t know that we would become a startup studio, but we were well aware of our attraction to the unknown, the unexplored and the challenge to solve what seemed impossible. When two of us first met in the early 2000 and recognized the hunger in each other for creating stuff the world had never seen before – we knew that we were on to something.

The famous snowball started to roll and two people became six that became many more. All soulmates who gathered around the exciting feeling of coming up with new tech business ideas, proving them and sometimes watching them fly. No hierarchies. No bosses. And definitely no titles. There was work to be done. And so much fun! Everyone found their way to navigate and everyone ran like the wind. What more could be around the corner?

It would be easy to say that we were opportunistic, but that was not the case at all. We knew what we wanted to achieve – a workplace for skilled and self-motivated people who were crazy enough to commit themselves to tech projects they didn’t know the outcome of. The only thing we could guarantee was a never ending adventure. And it still is.

Curiosity has led our way so far, and it will continue to do so. Many projects have been buried along the road, others have made it all the way to hungry customers. And some have been listed on the stock market. Or sold. We are happy as long as we can do what we love the most – exploring the unknown and sharing the adventure with people we trust. Where it all started, it continues: Can this be done? Let’s find out.

Why, how, what?

The why, how and what explains why we are in business, how we succeed and what we do. The purpose, the process and the result.

“We are curious about the future. Therefore, we gather skilled and friendly people who want to have fun and be challenged by projects with life-changing potential. Together we start and build tech companies.”


Our vision describes how our “why” comes alive. It provides a common direction and reflects what we are already doing, as well as what we are striving for.

Turning ideas into adventures

We commit to turn ideas into adventures

Changing the world can be quite an adventure. There are so many challenges along the way and so many problems to be solved. The unknown doesn’t scare us – we love to figure out a way forward to make great things happen. We strive to be the best team to give tech entrepreneurs the best possible chance to succeed.

Brand Principles

The principles are our guiding star for decision-making in order to turn ideas into adventures.

At the forefront.

Emerging trends and new technology are serious stuff that makes us feel alive. We explore and wonder where it can take us.

Enjoy the ride.

The startup business is unpredictable in every sense. Be brave, adapt smoothly and enjoy being part of building the future.

Best for the business.

When the way is unclear and choices are many, we commit to make judicious decisions in the best interest of the company.

Keep on going.

True competence and experiences don’t need the big stages. Tell the story as it is. Let the rumor spread. Get back to work.

Stay true to yourself.

The more nerd, the more passion. Use it, share it, live it. Be more you – and learn from other incredible talents.

Think about tomorrow.

What we can do today to make a difference tomorrow, we will do it. Make sure to invest wisely in business, relationships and life itself.

Our audience

The audience describes who we are interacting with, serving and supporting.

The up and coming entrepreneur

To be completely honest, Djäkne Startup Studio didn’t have a clear target group in the beginning. The founders wanted to be entrepreneurs, see the world and get a kick out of some risky business. It all turned out to be more successful than they ever dreamed of, and they started to pay it forward. Perhaps, newly hatched entrepreneurs could learn and grow by their side.

With Djäkne Startup Studio as a platform, our love for entrepreneurship can flourish. We are devoted to encouraging and supporting tech entrepreneurs who want to make a difference – wherever they are – someone who is following us online, is part of our company portfolio or a teammate who has come up with a splendid idea. Our job is to share our experience to create the best possible conditions for them to scale their businesses and realize their dreams.


The voice

Feel at home

Our audience builds things – from scratch and fearlessly. They are capable people within their field of expertise. We stay humble and invite them to use us as a source of inspiration and knowledge – through ups and downs on the startup journey. By using a voice that is concise, frank and friendly, we build trust and make them feel at home.

Being concise and frank is our way to spare the audience’s time and show that we know what we are talking about. At the same time, the voice is warm and joyful to enhance the values of startup life. We are all ordinary people with rather unordinary working lives. We let that show.



Logo rationale

The name djäkne has been established and is now one with our identity, hence we only use a wordmark for purposes of identification and branding.

The font has been chosen with clarity and balance in mind. Menca font takes cues from the lettering of engineering, found on road signage and industrial metal plaques. It is a font that is calm, clear and of high quality in every detail.

By using the italic typeface the wordmark gets a clear direction forward. The bold typeface makes the logotype work both in small and large format.



Variants and colors

The logo only exist in one variant and is available in two colors djäkne-white and djäkne-black. Choose the version that gives the best contrast in relation to the background. In cases where readability and brand visibility is not a primary goal the logo can be used on similar color background to hightlight or "black on black" vision.




Use the logos height as a measuring reference. Divide the logos height into two parts, this value is the clearance or spacing that the logo needs from other elements.

Y x Y

Y x Y

Y x Y

Y x Y

If the logo height divided by four = Y. Then the logo clearance, both vertical and horizontal, must be Y or more.



Headline font


Menca takes cues from the lettering of engineering, found on road signage and industrial metal plaques.

A b c d e f g h i j k l m

n o p q r s t u v w x y z

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



Paragraph font

Atkinson Hyperlegible

Atkinson Hyperlegible, named after the founder of the Braille Institute, has been developed specifically to increase legibility for readers with low vision, and to improve comprehension.

Having a traditional grotesque sans-serif at its core, it departs from tradition to incorporate unambiguous, distinctive elements—and at times, unexpected forms—always with the goal of increasing character recognition and ultimately improve reading.

A b c d e f g h i j k l m

n o p q r s t u v w x y z

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


In the shadows

Djäkne Startup Studio acts in the shadows of the entrepreneurs and tech companies. Thus we do not take up andy visual attention with color, we stay black and white or even black on black if needed.

Our Black

23, 27, 33

Our White

231, 231, 231

Our Accent

97, 245, 192

Use of the company name

Djäkne Startup Studio

The name “Djäkne Startup Studio” must be used in its exact form. Its appearance must not vary by abbreviating it, making it into an acronym, or combining it with any other words or any figurative elements, changing its spelling or using improper capitalization.

Do not:

  • Shorten Djäkne Startup Studio to an initial or abbreviation (“Djäkne”)

  • Turn Djäkne Startup Studio into an acronym (such as “DSS”)


Our images reflect our reality and captures momenta from our daily life. Form follows reality and function, thus we avoid over editing and posing as far as we can. To facilitate natural poses and capturing our moments as naturally as possible we take photos from a distance with a short depth of field and keep focus on the main obective.